Sunday, December 21, 2014

Parzania – A Black Reminder: Shalkie

The piquancy of storytelling resides in the degree to which you have raised emotions in your audience, and when that movie comes out to be a grim reminder of our existence in the savage society, among the savage coalitions, their savage members and their savage deeds, then emotions are bound to be felt.
Parzania is one such movie based on the backdrop of 2002 Godhra Riots. It tells the story of a Parsi family who were caught in the mayhem of violence and how it led to the loss of their family member, disrupted their lives and gave them a false ray of hope to survive on. It vividly describes the torments on the people of a Muslim neighborhood including inhuman violent massacre, forced immolations, boycott by police and whatever your scariest nightmare may define. So when this film was screened in one of our sessions, teary eyes, soft whimpering, running noses, scarcity of water bottles, and consoling hugs could be observed all over the room. The emotions that were felt, couldn’t be described, the war in the name of religions did not make sense, the question that haunted was whether humanity existed at all, and if it did then who and when had placed it so below in the hinted hierarchy.

The haunting silence of the room was broken by Rafi Malek sir; he led the post screening discussion on Communal Riots in India. He talked about the coinage of the term ‘Hindutva’, how starkly it differed from ‘Hinduism’ and also about the core ideologies of these Hindu nationalist groups in India. To have been the researcher and the activist on the same subject of communal riots, he gave us the flabbergasting details on how ‘unreligious’ the motives are behind these ‘religious’ wars. Statistics indicate how some of these riots are the manipulated shape of rivalry between local goons, how the rioters are mainly composed of disoriented men from lower castes and thus how such barbaric events tend to repeat its history. This discussion saw lots of queries and an insight from young minds also it empowered one such member to make his words count among the rest.

The events of Godhra have been deep etched into the history and the tremors of it can still be felt. With rooted involvements of prominent figures from political and administration background, it has been one of the most disgusted evidence of the genocidal approach towards one of the most prominent segment of our country. The three day long period starting from the morning of 27th February, saw humanity in pitch dark and what followed is now a grim reminder that how Gandhi was once pushed out of his own land.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Religion is one, But Religions are Many: Mehreen Quadri

Hinduism, Islam, Christianity; are these Religions chosen by a child when she is in her mother’s womb? Does choosing any of these religions give a perfect identity to an individual?
Religion was initially introduced as an easy way to worship the supernatural power. The one and only one God. God could never have been more than one, if such a thing would happen, then why wouldn't the Gods create their own world? Why would the different Gods send their worshipers only to one world for spreading terror and fights for the so-called ‘God-worshiping’ religion? The multifaceted God, has different appearances, but the people worshiping him, having the same body cannot be together or even tolerate each other.

Religion is one, but it has a large variety because of the different geographical and social situations. Religion was just a way of spreading faith, trust and love for the Almighty, but  people used and abused religion for their own benefit. Communal violence, frightening riots, honor killing- all these terrifying  events are not a result of diverse religions, but are done in the ‘name’ of religion.
Tall and short, black and white, women and men, if there is so much diversity in the human race, diversity in religion is bound to happen. What is required the tolerance, acceptance and respect towards other religions.

Differences in religion our made by God. If the “religious” people worship their God, they need to learn how approve the diversity created by him.
People of today’s era have made the olden traditions, the Religion of today. The crux of every religion has lost its identity today. The crux is- Unity, Equality, Non violence, Friendship, Brotherhood. The Crux is same to all the religious books, but it is just not reflected in the people studying these books. The crux makes all religions one, people make it many. 

Human Rights: For Common People or for the Goons?: Mehreen Quadri

RIGHTS: the Principles of Freedom. Human Rights are gifted by the world to a child born in any part of the world- the Country which has accepted the Rights laid down by the United Nations. Human Rights are such Rights which are common to everyone-the common man and the powerful one, female and male, young or old, normal or abnormal; under all circumstances.
India, has also accepted the Human Rights. The citizens of India have been given the Right to use any of the human Rights. Few of the human Rights included in the Indian constitution are: Equality to all, non discrimination, gender equality and freedom of expressing one’s opinion.
Are we really free? Do we really have the Right to express whatever we feel? Are we actually allowed to use various forms of expression to express our opinion? Being an Indian, and knowing the reality of the society, we can frankly answer all of these questions.  Candle march, writing articles, putting our opinions on social networking sites, performing theater and making a movie on the topics we wish to- all these are our Rights but they are exploited on a great margin.
Safdar: A documentary on the legend Safdar Hashmi- a communal playwright, lyricist, director and famous for his contribution to the street theater. He went from place to place: villages, cities, different organizations, for spreading awareness and making people realize the importance of peace and brotherhood. Wasn’t this his Right? Was it against the law? On January 1, 1989, Safdar Hashmi was performing a street play in a village near Delhi, where he was stopped and brutally beaten by the goons of a political party. On the next day, he died at the age of 34.

The entire nation was moved and shocked with grief watching this non violent man, killed by violence. He was a man whom the entire nation adored and loved. If such a violation of law can happen with a man like him, what could we say about the common man? Are these human Rights only limited to the powerful leaders and their goons? Does the common man have no Right over them?
Rights are not for exploitation. Rights are minimum standards what a person deserves. People committing crimes like small robbery or cutting animals are putting behind the bars, but what about those who steal the essence of humanity and cut apart the human? more on mental level rather than physical.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Who are we?: Meenakshi Herbha

Who are we? What defines us? Is our religion the hallmark of our purity or characteristics? For few of us religion doesn't matter but unfortunately to the majority it does. On one hand we talk about technology and modernity and on the other hand we still live in the stone-age where we cannot not free our mind from untouchability and religious inequality. 
When someone provokes us in the name of religion why for a minute don't we  ponder over it, why do we simply join the mob and do something that is really destructive.The main purpose of any religion is to bind us and not to become the cause of other’s misfortune.Many people are blindly ready to do anything in the name of god, but does god want us to kill others? People are mad after so called Jihad or Swarag whose existence is not even proven. Understand one thing that no god will spare you for destructing others lives. So, wake up before it’s too late. For all those who really want to follow a religion and want to serve the god, there is a religion. There is a religion which is above all religions that is the religion of HUMANITY. Humanity does not define us a Hindu, Muslim, Sikh or Christian but teaches us to be human.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Have you seen Parzan?: Anshu Verma

I ask you, the one who is reading this blog while enjoying  a cup of coffee, sitting with your friends, listening to music, or thinking about anything else. What you are doing now is not important , the point of concern is have you seen Parzan ? Now you must be confused what am I talking about and why.I just realized, how would you know him.  
Last Saturday we had a screening in Sauhard on a movie 'Parzania'. The movie about society, where we live. The society that compares God, religion and even humans. A society where Parzan lives. He is a human,  shackled with fear, an innocent heart. He has wings of dreams which want to be unfolded. He is  one of us. You might know this but where is he and who is he, no one try to question it.Since  I have watched the film, I am trying to find the answer. Is there only one Parzan or there are many others like him. He might be wilting in a dark street. No one can see him, or maybe we are ignoring him. I decided to go and look there. In that dark street, a narrow one it's walls are burnt. There are echoes of the horrific past. He is familiar with them. He is sitting there in gloom, knees folded, he knows no one is there to listen to him. Pale lips which haven't smiled for  years. Now there is nothing.When I entered in that narrow street, I turned  and looked outside. No-one was looking into that street as if they couldn't see or didn't want to see. Some had a glance inside but they ignored it. Some of them were partying outside in the streets. I dared to ask him what happened here, why don't you come out with us ? The hopeless eyes looked at me and replied "They came here, they desolated this place, they told me that I wasn't like them. This city was theirs. They told me that I am one among a violent cult. Am I ? You should not stay here, you cannot change it, go back they will do the same with you also." I don't know whether I can change it or not. But now  I that who Parzan is. I know he is like us, he is one of us.